What to do with Left Over Paint

At Nolan Painting we leave left over paint when we finish a paint job at your home. We usually ask if we can store it someplace warm and out of the way for you, like a basement.
But one day you’re cleaning out your basement and you think, all this old paint is a hazard, and you dispose of it. You hired Nolan Painting so you never will have to lift a brush again, right? We ask you to please hold off, unless you are sure that it is useless and you plan to update your walls with another color in the future.
When we come to do a touch up or make a repair we can use the left over paint. If properly stored it will last 10 years or more. If its dried up and otherwise useless we can still use the information on the can and dried material inside the can to match the paint. It can be very difficult to match a color if there is no paint can around to use as evidence. And rather than just touch up an area we might have to repaint the whole room and this will cost you extra.
The next time you have us over to paint something, ask us to take inventory of your old paint cans. If there are any paint cans that are truly worthless we’ll take it away and dispose of it properly at no additional cost.