Find Color Inspiration in These Five Places

By Trish Helmke, Color Consultant for Nolan Painting
Ready to repaint the interior or exterior of your home but not sure what color to use? Here are five ways to find color inspiration:
Your Closet
Opening your closet doors is an excellent way to find color inspiration. A personal decorating style is usually reflective of your fashion taste. Have a favorite blue shirt? A favorite burnt orange or green handbag? Favorite scarf? If you love it in your wardrobe, then you are probably going to love it on your walls as well.
Similar to your wardrobe, textiles currently throughout your home are useful tools for color selection. Drapery, pillows, rugs, and bedding all contain inspiring pallets that can be utilized for color selection throughout your home. And think outside the box: a color in an area rug in your living room or bedroom can be a great resource for a dining room wall color.
TV Shows and Movies
Two of my favorite sets: the homes on “Modern Family” and the condo in the movie “The Break-Up” starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Replicating sets can also take a lot of the nervousness out of color selection because you have a visual of the color on the walls so you know what your room will look like before it is painted.
I always peruse decorating and home magazines in the checkout aisles in grocery stores. There is nothing wrong with copying design. If someone else has already done the work, go ahead and borrow their idea. Decorating magazines are also a great way to push your design style to another level and do something you normally wouldn’t do.
Pinterest and Houzz
Pinterest and Houzz are not just about crafts and architecture; they are great resources for room ideas and color inspiration. Not sure how to use? If you have an idea such as a navy dining room, but aren’t sure how to find the right shade, try typing in “navy dining rooms”. More than likely a number of rooms will come up with all the color information you need. Make sure to follow Nolan Painting on both Houzz and Pinterest as well. We have a lot of inspirational rooms on our boards!
For more color inspiration, contact Nolan Painting and schedule a free estimate and color consultation.