Spring Community Events Calendar with Nolan Painting

Strong support of our community is something that Nolan Painting has always been proud of. We choose to be a part of events that are close to the hearts of our customers and employees. To date our team has sponsored several hundred local community events in and around the Main Line in Pennsylvania.
You can find our professional painting team at each event armed with promotional giveaways, banners, popcorn, Gatorade and water. We’ll even give you the inside scoop on how to save 10% on your next paint job!
Stop by our table and introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you!
April 11: Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run
Race Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015
April 11: Spring Fling Run
Portion of the proceeds will help raise funds for The Life is Good Kid’s Foundation. The Life is Good Playmakers partner with frontline professionals such as teachers, social workers and child life specialists who dedicate their lives to helping children overcome poverty, violence and illness. These Playmakers use the power of play to build healing, life-changing relationships with the children in their care.
April 12: Healthy Kids Running Series
The Healthy Kids Running Series was created by Jeff Long, Founder and President of Pattison Sports Group, to provide kids with a positive, educational, and fun experience in the world of running.
April 18: AIM Race to Read
Proceeds go to the AIM literacy program for those who learn differently.
April 18: Rick’s Run
All proceeds will go to the Abramson Cancer Center at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania to help fund research for Esophageal Cancer.
April 18: Eastern 5k
A portion of the proceeds from the Eastern 5K will benefit the Ehler’s Danlos National Foundation and those suffering from connective tissue disorders.
April 19: Revolutionary Run
All proceeds from the event benefit the Valley Forge National Historical Park.
April 25: https://www.active.com/running
The Narberth Cystic Fibrosis Run & Family Fun Walk is a Five Mile Run, 1.5 Mile Family Fun Walk and a Kidz Fun Run supporting the Take a Breather Foundation, a local organization that fulfills wishes for children living with CF who receive care at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and the Bristol Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital.
April 25: Twilight Run
The Twilight Run benefits the Haverford Township School District Education Foundation.
April 26: Run for your Mind 5K
Proceeds benefit educational programs. The organization’s goal is to reduce the stigma and destructive behaviors often associated with mental health issues.
April 26: MS Walk
The MS Walk proceeds go to improving the lives of people living with MS through programs, services and research.
May 3: Chestnut Hill Home & Garden Festival
May 9: St. Katherine of Sienna SK5K
All proceeds generated by the SK5K support the school and, in the past, have provided advancement in the areas of technology, science, art and capital improvements
May 15: Rocky Run 5K / 10K
All proceeds from the YMCA’s Runs benefit the YMCA’s Annual Campaign. When you support the Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA’s Annual Campaign you are providing more opportunities for youth, adults and families to participate in Y programs and services.
May 16: Hilltop Prep Thrill on the Hill
Hill Top Preparatory School provides life-changing experiences for bright and creative students who struggle to achieve academic and social success due to performance-based learning differences. The Hilltop Prep Thrill on the Hill event supports its student life initiatives.
May 17: King of Prussia 10 miler
May 17: Victory Run for Ryan
Presented by Run the Day and the Downingtown Running Club benefiting the Ryan McCall Scholarship Fund.
Nolan Painting is always attending a local community event near you. Check back often as we update our events calendar regularly.